Thursday, February 10, 2011

IT'S HERE!!! Interview with Topaz Ladai!

Rather than lead you into it too much, I'll let you just read.. =]

Industry -

What was the first thing or event that got you interested in the industry?
I would see my ex online looking at porn sites and commenting on how much nicer my booty/boobs/face were. After a while, I started doing the research and said "I can do this". It was a way for me to stay at home and raise my babies and still make a decent income.

How did you feel when you were doing it, and after it was done?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this. I've always been a very easy going person, and while it might have taken a little bit of adjustment to get used to so many people looking at me... It felt fun. After I started getting emails and ims from other women that had wonderful things to say about how I inspire them to bring out their inner sexy... It felt like it was what I was supposed to be doing.

Who gave you your first major start?

I'd have to say Mendi Teats. She was the Publisher of Big Butt Magazine at the time. I sent her some test shots, and she booked me for that same week in her own bed! lol My first issue was released in May of 2001 and damn near 17 pages of the magazine have me on them. Excellent start for me!

When did you realize that your "assets" were capable of getting you noticed more than usual?

I've always known that. It wasn't until I was 30 that I realized I could make money doing it!

Who and what are some your favorite shoots/videos/stars you have worked with?

I've always had a blast with Vixen Val... she and I have been friends for 10 years. We even lived together for a while. I've enjoyed shooting with Luscious Candy, though she's no longer in the industry. CJ was a one in a million experience...

What were the ones that you rather not do again?

I've shot with a few ego maniacs... that I am way to gracious to name... those people I won't work with again.

What made you choose a more erotic type of work?

I've always been a very sensual creature, so it pretty much came naturally after seeing what the world was looking for and the opportunities there were to make a good living.

Do you think that the industry should go back to an old school type of feel, as in the 80's type of eroticism?

In all honesty, I didn't get involved with the industry at all until 2000. I think that back then, things were definitely a different sort of breed. Nowadays, it seems that any woman who is over 200lbs thinks she can just throw up a website and make money. Back then, the women were dedicated. We put the time in to make things work, to develop a following and to put out quality (albeit lesser quality than available now) product and didn't expect people to just throw money at us. I'd like to see that dedication ring true today. Very few of the women today have that drive.

What do you see in the future of the industry, and yourself in it?

I think that I've planted my feet pretty firmly in this industry. I only involve myself in projects that I know are top notch - that aren't degrading to women, and that speak of the true inner beauty of a curvaceous woman. As long as there are men that enjoy what I have to offer... You will see me here.

Personal -

What do you feel you would like to accomplish in your life outside the "workplace"?

I've always felt like I've cheated myself out of a better education... I'm taking care of that now. Of course, I'd love to be married to a man that adores me as much as I do him and supports my work.

When observing the opposite sex, what qualities and/or traits do you look for?

Honestly it's personality... tenderness... eyes... whether or not he smiles. I love to laugh, so a sense of humor is also a very good thing!

What to you is the absolute no-no for you?

Men that are only out for themselves... Those that see what I do as an opportunity to become either a "captainsavem" or thinks it's his opportunity to try out "pimpdom" lol If I wanted to go that route... rest assured, I can sell my own ass! lol

What turns you on, simple or complex?

Actually, both! Depends on the mood I'm in... how pent up I am... Sometimes it can be as simple as walking in the rain (an explanation for another time!) or an elaborate all out worship session... Sometimes, it's just the way he touches me. I'm a complex kinda lady though.

The obvious template question, What is your sexual preference?

I am without a doubt 110% in love with dick... However, I do adore the curves and softness that an occasional romp with a special lady can bring.

Do you see yourself ever settling down, or being a workaholic in the industry?

I'm already settled down... lol I'm not out swinging from chandeliers or anything else for that matter. As far as my work ethic, anyone that knows me, knows that I'm one of the hardest working women they know. I make time for the people I love... aside from that... I'm ALL about my work.

What do you feel should be the most important thing that special someone should accept about you, to make things go great?

That's a GREAT question! I think the most important things they need to know is that despite the attention I get, I'm still a VERY real woman. I do what I do because I enjoy it, because I'm good at it and because people enjoy me doing it. It's not something I NEED to do and it doesn't define who I am as a woman, my morals or what I have to offer a committed relationship. It's not always easy being me, but it's the only me I know how to be.

What are the things that would make you a keeper?

The same things that have always made me a keeper. I'm genuine, I'm a very attentive partner, and I can cook, clean and keep a man happy (provided he's not unhappy with himself... then things get hairy).

What is your whole take on the monogamous/open relationship/swinger thing as a whole, and to yourself?

I think that whatever works for a specific couple is what works for them. I prefer a monogamous relationship because I give way too much of myself to be doing that with more than one person. I believe in the bonds of hearts, and I'm a very chemistry and emotionally driven creature. I've done the swing thing, and it's okay when adding a little something extra to a relationship as long as both parties are agreeable. I think a lot of people use it to fix things in their relationship and in all actuality, it just masks it or makes it worse. Open relationships are good when you have two grown adults who might live on separate coasts and understand that because of certain aspects of their relationships it might be a viable option. Unfortunately, a lot of people that confess to being in an open relationship are actually cheaters.

What is the most erotic thing that you enjoy having done to you?

I think this also depends on my mood. I enjoy food play a lot... I enjoy erotic massage, having my hair washed/brushed... and when I truly trust someone, sensory deprivation and overload is something I very very much enjoy.

Would you go above and way beyond for that special someone i.e - quit the industry, move to Tibet, join the Justice League?

For the right person, I would do anything... and while most will roll their eyes and say "yeah sure", it's the truth. With that said, the right person wouldn't have to ask... That person and I would be on the same letter in the same word, in the same sentence in the same paragraph, in the same chapter in the very same book.

Anything else you want to add?

Just that I wish that more women would put forth their best foot... instead of doing "anything" for the money... know your worth. Don't degrade yourself based on what others say you need to do. Know what's best for YOU and stick to that. It will keep you from questioning yourself later down the line and having people assume you are something that you are very much not... unless you evolve into your own lies.

1 comment:

  1. Topaz, I remember that day in my bed...very much. As I recall, you lived down the road from me so we just hooked up and had a little fun. I forget what made us get together in the first place though. Miss you girly. Come see me in Florida sometime. Love ya.
    Mendi Teats
